Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How PR and God come together.

I just came home from an amazing conference for public relations students (a blog re-cap coming soon.) It was inspiring, motivating and above all, eye-opening. I truly feel I can make a career out of what I have learned, and I feel it is what I am supposed to be doing for the next few years.

One thing I have learned: PR is a crazy busy, fast-paced career. You go-go-go all the time. There’s a reason your phone is never off. There isn’t a guaranteed off time. You are always on call. And I enjoy that.

However, I am a child of God. I have a relationship with Him (however faulty on my end) and it’s important that I spend time quieting down and making a space for Him to work and move in my life. I need Jesus. I need His guidance and strength.

And sometimes, between work, interning, school, working out, friends, PRSSA, family and my TV/food/shopping vices I forget to make that space. I don’t take the time to spend with my Savior.

I know that once I start working in PR full-time it’s going to be crazier and harder for me to make time for Him. PR is my passion and I love it… but what if it cancels out Jesus? What if I get so involved with working—campaigning, planning, creating and being a PR pro that I forget to center my life around Him?

Today I was re-reading a chapter on spiritual meditation from “Celebration of Discipline” by Richard J. Foster. Basically, he said this:

“If we are constantly being swept off our feet with frantic activity, we will be unable to be attentive at the moment of inward silence… [have] a sense of balance in the life, an ability to BE AT PEACE through the activities of the day, an ability to rest and take time to enjoy beauty… holy leisure.”

I’m a busy girl; I thrive on crazy. But I really want to try and make sure I have a sense of peace as I go through each day. I need to make sure that GOD is constantly a part of my actions and my life and that no matter how fast I’m moving, He’s there. I want to be at peace because I have made space for Him in each and every aspect of my life and I’m LISTENING and DWELLING in His teachings and love. His presence.

Easier said than done right? All my PR people know that our phones are connected to our very beings and that we don’t rest often. On top of that I’m still working through some things and attempting to be walking in God’s light and path and stop dancing with the world. I still dance with it quite a bit. Always a struggle.

But I’m learning and trying to quiet down, slow down, allow God to speak and to apply what He shows me to my fast-paced life. PR calls me to work with authenticity and to work for something I love and feel passionate about.

God calls me to LIVE with authenticity and to LIVE for something I love and feel passionate about. Career and calling… let’s merge.

Yes I am a PR student soon-to-be professional, yes I’m a college kid, yes I love living my life and trying new things and going crazy but I am first and foremost a child of God.

How often I forget that.

But to integrate my initial identity with the rest of my life is essential to living this life how God wants me to live it.

To live as God designed us to… it’s an endeavor worth pursuing.

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